Vlog- Methamphetamine



  1. Hi Leah, I thought your discussion of dental management for persons who have had or have a meth addiction was informative and helpful.

    For the care plan I see that you mentioned a daily fluoride rinse which will be a great benefit to the client. An article I found discussed the use of fluoride varnish with persons who have ‘meth mouth’ stated that, “dentist should utilize preventive agents such as fluoride varnish to promote enamel remineralization, decrease thermal sensitivity and neutralize salivary acidity in these caries-active patients” (Brown, 2017). I thought that this would be a great addition to treatment. If you think a varnish may not be an option, I will also suggest adding increased fluoride at home. Increased fluoride can be done with toothpastes like PreviDent 5000 Plus, Clinipro 5000 or MI paste One. With increased risk factors of caries these toothpastes, with or without a fluoride rinse, will be a great protective barrier for persons who experience the negative effects of meth use. As dental hygienist, we need to be empathetic especially when handling difficult situations like this and as you said, set realistic goals for the client, so they can be achieved. Also, we must be aware in all cases of this situation a referral to a DDS will be needed for further dental treatments.


    Brown, R. (2017, August 24). How to use fluoride varnish in patients with ‘meth mouth’. https://www.dentalproductsreport.com/view/how-use-fluoride-varnish-patients-meth-mouth

    1. Hi Victoria,

      Thank you for your response! I enjoyed reading your suggestions regarding a fluoride regimen at home by educating them on PreviDent 5000 Plus, Clinipro 5000 or MI paste One- this may even be a better option as it is more cost-efficient which can increase the client's compliance.

      I also agree that as future health care providers we must be empathetic when handing sensitive situations, as stated by the CDHO Advisory | Substance Use Disorder dental hygienist should use " appropriate, non-judgmental techniques of communication" (CDHO, 2018, p.15).

      CDHO. (2018). Advisory Substance Use Disorder. https://www.cdho.org/Advisories/CDHO_Advisory_Substance_Use_Disorder.pdf


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